
[电子] [音乐单曲] 18 and life - Skid Row穷街乐队 美国billboard hot 100第4位


穷街是一支86年成立的美国重金属乐队,在90年代初期grunge浪潮到来之前,skid row的确红极一时。主唱sebastian bach,吉他手scotti hill和dave "snake" sabo,贝司手rachel bolan加上鼓手rob affuso,五个热血金属青年创造出了充满了阳刚之气的音乐。"we stand and we won't fall, we're one and one for all, the writing's on the wall, we are the youth gone wild",这些歌词正是这支乐队的真实写照。在80年代末90年代初短短的时期内,skid row无论是在音乐上还是商业上都取得了非凡的成就。

中文名: 穷街乐队
外文名: Skid Row
国籍: 美国
代表作品: 18 and life,Youth Gone Wild,I remember you
活跃年份: 1986–1996,1999–至今
音乐风格: 重金属,硬摇滚,华丽金属
唱片公司: Atlantic,SPV

《18 and life》是来自美国流金乐队穷街(Skid Row)同名专辑的第二首单曲。《18 and life》是该乐队最有名的热门单曲,在Billboard Hot 100的最高位次是第四位,但在主流摇滚榜上仅位居第十一位,而这个榜单之前是Skid Row影响力最大的地盘。《18 and life》被VH1评为史上最佳的六十首硬摇滚歌曲之一。这首歌曲于1989年9月13日被认证为金唱片,截至该日已售出五十万张。

  《18 and life》是来自美国乐队穷街(Skid Row)同名专辑的第二首单曲,由乐队成员Rachel Bolan和Dave "the Snake" Sabo创作。这首歌曲同时收录进Skid Row的精选汇编专辑《40 Seasons: The Best of Skid Row》,穷街的前主唱塞巴斯蒂安巴赫发行的个人专辑《Bring 'Em Bach Alive!》中也收录了《18 and life》的live版本,你同样能在电子游戏《Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s.》上演奏这首歌曲。

  吉他手Dave Sabo从一篇报道中读到一个十八岁名叫Ricky的男孩由于枪杀了一个他以为携带武器的朋友而被判处无期徒刑。

  歌曲讲述的是18少年的闯荡江湖的故事,在城市的纷争中打拼,用力量和意志杀开自己生活的道路。虽说这首歌是一首流行金属的“情歌”,但是不得不承认伴随着歌词和主唱的嗓音,一股硬派的铁血之情不禁从词曲间流露出来,有很强的感染力。而事实上这首歌也是我钟爱有加的一首歌,也是给人宣传金属乐的必备入门曲目之一。想当年,这首歌18 and life也是电台热播的金曲啊。


词:Bolan, Sabo

Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.
Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.
Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.
He had no money, oooh no good at home.
He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone

And now it’s
18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go
18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

Tequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.
It kept his motor running but it never kept him clean.
They say he loved adventure;Ricky’s the wild one;
He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun.
Bang Bang Shoot ’em up, The party never ends.
You can’t think of dying when the bottle’s your best friend

And now it’s
18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go
18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go
Accidents will happen; they all heard Ricky say
He fired his six-shot to the wind that blew a child away.

18 and life you got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go
18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it’s
18 and life to go

发帖时间:2012-03-04 14:44:04   |   回复数:0